News, Blogs and Events

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News Article Event Blog Article
Picture of a woman speaking to a group of young people sitting in front of a trailer.
Learning through Lockdown – the impact of youth work summer 2020
Explore how the youth work sector has continued to engage and support children and young people during the coronavirus pandemic.
  • Topic:  Covid-19
  • Date:  13 October, 2020
#LockdownLowdown phase two survey asset
#LockdownLowdown survey enters phase two as restrictions change
A major survey of young people in Scotland has been launched to help determine the ongoing impact of Covid-19 on their day-to-day lives.
  • Topic:  Covid-19
  • Date:  28 September, 2020
Group of young people standing in an office.
New National Youth Work Strategy – The Journey Continues
An update on the work so far from Kevin Kane, YouthLink Scotland's Policy and Research Manager.
  • Topic:  Policy & Influencing, Youth Work Strategy
  • Date:  21 September, 2020
Young woman sits in scottish parliament with a facemask on during Covid
Updated guidance for the renewal of indoor youth work services
Guidance to support the phased renewal of youth work services has now been updated to support the reintroduction of indoor delivery.
  • Topic:  Covid-19
  • Date:  10 September, 2020
Youth Scotland logo
Reopening of indoor youth work toolkit
Youth Scotland's toolkit is designed to be a practical resource for community-based youth groups who are planning to return to indoor youth work in accordance with the national Youth Work Guidance.
  • Topic:  Covid-19
  • Date:  7 September, 2020
Youth worker sits talking to young person on red sofa
UNCRC incorporation can empower youth workers as human rights defenders
YouthLink Scotland's Policy and Research Manager Kevin Kane reflects on this week's publication of a UNCRC Incorporation Bill - and the future possibility of a statutory right to youth work.
  • Topic:  Policy & Influencing
  • Date:  4 September, 2020
Young person in classroom wearing facemask
Coronavirus (COVID-19): Guidance for the Community Learning and Development sector
The updated Scottish Government guidance for Community Learning and Development has now been published online.
  • Topic:  Covid-19
  • Date:  3 September, 2020
Two speech bubbles, one blue, one pink, overlapping.
Youth work and employability position paper
Outlining the crucial role of the youth work sector in Scotland's social and economic renewal in the aftermath of Covid-19.
  • Topic:  Covid-19
  • Date:  31 August, 2020
Coronavirus (COVID-19) Reopening and operation of Outdoor Education Centres and visits by schools
The guidance has been developed for Outdoor Education Centres (OEC), education authorities and schools to support a safe reopening and operation of OEC for day visits by schools following the emergence of COVID-19 in Scotland.
  • Topic:  Covid-19, Education, Skills & Employability, Outdoor Learning
  • Date:  27 August, 2020
Brand new digital youth work hub launched
You’ll find a huge array of toolkits, training events, tutorials, webinar recordings, guidance and more to help deliver youth work services online to the highest standards.
  • Topic:  Digital Youth Work
  • Date:  27 August, 2020
Two speech bubbles, one blue, one pink, overlapping.
Detached Youth Work Guidelines
Read our guidelines to providing detached and outreach youth work, in light of the Covid-19 pandemic.
  • Topic:  Covid-19
  • Date:  7 July, 2020
Two speech bubbles, one blue, one pink, overlapping.
Outdoor Learning and Education Recovery
As Scotland moves out of lockdown and into the Covid-19 recovery phase, a new guide has been launched to support the planning and delivery of learning.
  • Topic:  Covid-19, Outdoor Learning
  • Date:  3 July, 2020

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