News, Blogs and Events

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News Article Event Blog Article
Two young people looking out over city landscape
Overcoming challenges that impact engagement at school
YouthLink Scotland's Youth Work and Schools partnership programme aims to promote and expand the role of youth work in closing the poverty-related attainment gap.
  • Topic:  Education, Skills & Employability
  • Date:  8 August, 2019
  • Author:  Alice
Arrow pointing right chipped into a stone surface.
Scottish Government’s UNCRC Incorporation Consultation: Options
Dr Kasey McCall-Smith has blogged for us about the options for incorporation and her thoughts on the preferred option.  
  • Topic:  Rights, Participation & Volunteering
  • Date:  7 August, 2019
  • Author:  Martin
Stitched pink badge with the word 'Jobs' in thetop left and three hats - construction worker, chef and police, and a Girlguiding logo on it.
Girlguiding Scotland: We help girls shape the future
The team at Girlguiding Scotland have blogged for us as part of our #MyLearnerJourney series to share the work they do to show girls and young women that there's no wrong path. 
  • Topic:  Education, Skills & Employability
  • Date:  1 August, 2019
  • Author:  Martin
People sat around table discussing
Seal of Approval at recent UNCRC consultation event
Kevin Kane, Policy & Research Manager at YouthLink Scotland reflects on the recent consultation event on the incorporation of the UNCRC into Scots Law.
  • Topic:  International, Policy & Influencing, Rights, Participation & Volunteering
  • Date:  30 July, 2019
Picture of a man standing with a hillside rising up behind him.
Callum’s journey to becoming an Education Support Officer
Our latest #MyLearnerJourney blog follows Callum as he volunteers overseas and gets his International Volunteering Diploma.
  • Topic:  Education, Skills & Employability, Rights, Participation & Volunteering
  • Date:  26 July, 2019
#IWill ambassador Rachael stands holding #IWill sign
Rachael on her learner journey
On the run up to results day on 6th August, we’re sharing people’s stories of how they got to where they are today and the role of youth work in that journey. Today, Rachael Hatfield, an #IWill Ambassador, MSYP and youth worker, shares her story.
  • Topic:  Education, Skills & Employability, Policy & Influencing, Rights, Participation & Volunteering, Training & Development
  • Date:  15 July, 2019
  • Author:  Alice
Gearing up for positive futures
YouthLink Scotland’s Youth Work and Schools partnership programme aims to promote and expand the role of youth work in closing the poverty-related attainment gap. In our blog today, we take a look at how the Gear Up 2 Go project is working with schools in Aberdeenshire to help young people make positive transitions to employment, training, and further education.
  • Topic:  Education, Skills & Employability
  • Date:  8 July, 2019
  • Author:  Sarah Paterson
3 young people stand chatting
Increasing attendance and engagement at school
YouthLink Scotland’s Youth Work and Schools partnership programme aim's to promote and expand the role of youth work in closing the poverty-related attainment gap.
  • Topic:  Education, Skills & Employability, Equality, Poverty, Youth Work Strategy
  • Date:  14 June, 2019
Full Incorporation of the UNCRC into Scots Law
Kevin Kane, Policy and Research Manager, shares what YouthLink Scotland are up to as we head towards the full incorporation of UNCRC into Scots Law.
  • Topic:  Equality, International, Policy & Influencing, Rights, Participation & Volunteering
  • Date:  10 June, 2019
Thumbnail for HEAR.EU Report
A Report on Brexit and youth work in Scotland
A report released today by two leading youth work sector organisations shows youth workers have witnessed a negative impact on community relations since the EU Referendum in June 2016.
  • Topic:  Policy & Influencing
  • Date:  7 March, 2019
  • Author:  Alice
Royston Youth Action held their annual award ceremony that celebrates young people
Youth Work Changes Lives: Michaela's story
Earlier this month, Royston Youth Action held their annual award ceremony that celebrates young people.
  • Topic:  Education, Skills & Employability, Rights, Participation & Volunteering, Training & Development, Youth Work Strategy
  • Date:  22 November, 2018
Aqeel is a MSYP for Glasgow Pollok, he is photographed along with otter for #IWill week
#iWillWeek: "Volunteering has always been and will be a huge part of my life."
Aqeel is a MSYP for Glasgow Pollok, this #iWillWeek Aqeel talks about the value of volunteering and what he does. 
  • Topic:  Education, Skills & Employability, Rights, Participation & Volunteering, Training & Development
  • Date:  15 November, 2018
  • Author:  Alice

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