News, Blogs and Events

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News Article Event Blog Article
The Children and Young People's Commissioner Scotland logo
Bruce Adamson welcomes nomination of Nicola Killean as next Children’s Commissioner
Bruce Adamson, Children and Young People’s Commissioner Scotland, leaves the role next month when his six-year mandate comes to an end. On Monday 24th of April , the Scottish Parliament announced Nicola Killean has been selected for nomination as the next Commissioner. 
  • Topic:  Rights, Participation & Volunteering
  • Date:  27 April, 2023
Liberty logo
Holding Our Own
Groundbreaking new report calls for community led solutions to youth violence.
  • Date:  27 April, 2023
New Police Scotland Hate Crime Campaign launched
Police Scotland has launched a new anti hate crime campaign calling for people to ‘ditch their hate monster’.
  • Topic:  Equality
  • Date:  27 April, 2023
Scottish Government logo
Children's Social Work Statistics Scotland: 2021 to 2022
Children's Social Work Statistics for Scotland for 2021 to 2022, including data on children on the child protection register, as well as children and young people looked after, in continuing care, eligible for aftercare, and in secure care accommodation.
  • Topic:  Child Protection
  • Date:  25 April, 2023
Scottish Government logo
Adult Lifetime Skills: A literature review
This report presents the results from a literature review that was carried out to inform the Scottish Government’s development of a lifetime skills offer.
  • Topic:  Education, Skills & Employability
  • Date:  25 April, 2023
Scottish Government logo
Scottish Household Survey 2021
Scotland’s Chief Statistician releases the results of the 2021 Scottish Household Survey.
  • Topic:  Health & Wellbeing, Learning for Sustainability, Rights, Participation & Volunteering
  • Date:  25 April, 2023
New UK Youth research shows impact of cost of living crisis on young people
New polling of young people (16-25 year olds) and parents from UK Youth has raised serious concerns over the impact of the cost of living crisis on young people’s mental health, employment opportunities – and even access to regular meals.
  • Topic:  Health & Wellbeing
  • Date:  24 April, 2023
See Me logo
Feels FM 2.0 Report
This latest report examines children and young people’s experiences of mental health stigma and discrimination. It focuses on the interactions between young people and adults, particularly parents and carers, teachers and health care professionals.
  • Topic:  Health & Wellbeing
  • Date:  24 April, 2023
The Young Women's Movement logo
The Status of Young Women in Scotland 2022 - 2023: Experiences of Accessing Healthcare
The Young Women’s Movement launch their latest report exploring young women and people of marginalised genders' experiences of accessing healthcare in Scotland.
  • Topic:  Health & Wellbeing
  • Date:  24 April, 2023
Boy about to kick a football.
Scottish FA Young Players Survey
The Scottish FA want to find out how things are going for young players, and who better to ask what it’s like to play the game than young people themselves?
  • Topic:  Equality, Health & Wellbeing, Rights, Participation & Volunteering
  • Date:  18 April, 2023
IWill listing page header
#IWill Scotland Champions
Young people aren’t just the leaders of tomorrow, they are the leaders and change makers of today who have the energy, skills and ideas to change society and the environment for the better.
  • Topic:  Rights, Participation & Volunteering
  • Date:  18 April, 2023
Job Start Payment
Job Start Payment
You can apply for Job Start Payment to help you with the costs of starting a new job.
  • Topic:  Education, Skills & Employability, Equality
  • Date:  17 April, 2023

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