Youth Work Resources

We know that good youth work requires good youth work resources. That’s why we’re continuing to build a comprehensive library of toolkits, lesson plans, publications, professional frameworks, case studies and guidance to help you improve your youth work practice. Can’t find what you’re looking for? Let us know.


Resource Type
Thematic Area
Guidance, Professional Frameworks
Pupil Equity Funding
These resouces are intended to assist headteachers in using Pupil Equity Funding (PEF) by providing examples of PEF-funded youth work and school partnerships that have very effectively improved educational outcomes for young people. You can navigate to relevant case studies from this infographic.
Case Studies & Good Practice
Natural Leaders Pilot Programme - Year One Review
Natural Leaders is a youth-led approach to Learning for Sustainability that is being piloted by youth work teams in North Lanarkshire, Perth and Kinross and West Lothian, offering enhanced support for primary to secondary transitions. Young people tell us they are building skills and relationships that support their wellbeing and learning. Feedback from schools affirms that the programme has had a positive impact on young people’s confidence, skills and learning engagement.
Case Studies & Good Practice
Youth Work and Volunteering: The Role and Impact of Youth Work in Supporting Young People Through Volunteering Opportunities
Creating and supporting high-quality volunteering experiences is an important part of this wider tapestry of youth work support. Through youth work, young volunteers can build skills, access a range of valuable experiential learning (including accredited awards and qualifications) and make progress towards and into employment.
Key Youth Work Sector Documents
Independent Review of Community Learning and Development (CLD) - Supportive Notes for Members and Stakeholders
Supportive notes to assist members and stakeholders in engaging and responding to the Independent Review of Community Learning and Development (CLD).
Key Youth Work Sector Documents
Independent Review of Community Learning and Development (CLD) - Supportive Notes for Youth Workers Supporting Young People’s Submissions
In collaboration with young people, we have produced a young person friendly version of the learner consultation to provide information and for youth workers to support young people’s participation.
Key Youth Work Sector Documents, Publications & Research
Lifelong Learning and Skills Reform: A Right to Youth Work as Part of Every Learner's Journey
This publication highlights why Education Reform must seek to deliver changes to the structure and culture of Scottish education to demonstrate parity across settings and approaches to learning.
Policy & Consultations
Cross Party Group on Children and Young People Response to Call for Evidence for Additional Support for Learning
The following summary provides evidence from the recent Cross Part Group on Children and Young People meeting on the Committee’s call for evidence on Additional Support for Learning (ASL).
Two speech bubbles, one blue, one pink, overlapping.
YouthLink Scotland Response to the Consultation on the Provisions of the Education Bill
YouthLink Scotland calls for the Education Bill to strengthen the current role and impact of youth work across the learning system – building on the other aspects of reform that reinforce the need for youth work in an interconnected education and skills landscape.
The Link Sector Magazine
Impact and Influence - Link Magazine 2023
This issue of our Link magazine explores youth work's impact and influence.
YouthLink Scotland logo
Policy & Consultations
Youth Work Response to Extended Consultation on the National Conversation on Education Reform and the Review of Qualifications and Assessment
A sector perspective on priorities for education reform
Policy & Consultations
Youth Work & Poverty Policy Brief
In-depth policy paper on the link between youth work, poverty and human rights. This brief outlines why youth work must be a key partner in the Scottish Government's plans to tackle poverty in Scotland.
YouthLink Scotland & University of Edinburgh Logos on a white background.
Publications & Research
Mental health and the role of the youth work sector
Dissertation by Emily Carson, an International Development Masters student exploring mental health and the role of the youth work sector