Youth Work Resources

We know that good youth work requires good youth work resources. That’s why we’re continuing to build a comprehensive library of toolkits, lesson plans, publications, professional frameworks, case studies and guidance to help you improve your youth work practice. Can’t find what you’re looking for? Let us know.


Resource Type
Thematic Area
Policy & Consultations
Education Reform - Views of Young People Participating in Youth Work
Education Reform: Let’s Talk Scottish Education. The views of young people participating in youth work
Policy & Consultations
Response to Skills Review Consultation
Skills delivery independent review: call for evidence
Policy & Consultations
Response to Scottish Government Spending Review
Resource Spending Review Framework.
Policy & Consultations
YLS Membership Spotlight
Together (SACR) Membership Spotlight.
Policy & Consultations
Youth Work Leader's Position Statement on Education Reform
Youth Work Leaders' vision and recommendations for Education Reform
Policy & Consultations, Publications & Research
Putting Learners at the Centre
Towards a future vision for Scottish Education
Guidance, Policy & Consultations, Training/Toolkits/Session Plans
How to Host a Hustings
A how to guide that takes you through the process of organising and hosting a hustings.
Policy & Consultations
Response to Justice Committee on Hate Crime and Public Order (Scotland) Bill
YouthLink Scotland is responding to the Justice Committee call for Evidence on the Hate Crime and Public Order (Scotland) Bill.
Policy & Consultations
Statement on Improving Disability Assistance in Scotland
This consultation asks questions on whether the policy intent set out in the Scottish approach to Disability Assistance will meet the needs of the children and adults it is intended to help
Policy & Consultations
Response To-Out Of School Care Consultation
YouthLink Scotland is responding to the Out of School Care in Scotland – Draft Framework Consultation on behalf of our members.
Policy & Consultations
Response to UNCRC Bill
This consultation provides an opportunity to increase our understanding of what children and young people’s rights are and how we can embed those rights into the fabric of law in Scotland.
Policy & Consultations
Response To The Call For Evidence On The Long-Term Financial Sustainability of Local Government
This response summarises the main arguments for prioritising investment in youth work – how it changes the lives of young people (the most crucial point of all), the value of youth workers, and the wider social and economic benefits.