Youth Work Resources

We know that good youth work requires good youth work resources. That’s why we’re continuing to build a comprehensive library of toolkits, lesson plans, publications, professional frameworks, case studies and guidance to help you improve your youth work practice. Can’t find what you’re looking for? Let us know.


Resource Type
Thematic Area
Policy & Consultations
Response to Skills Review Consultation
Skills delivery independent review: call for evidence
Policy & Consultations
Response to Scottish Government Spending Review
Resource Spending Review Framework.
Policy & Consultations
YLS Membership Spotlight
Together (SACR) Membership Spotlight.
Case Studies & Good Practice
Field Studies Council Case Study
A small team from Field Studies Council, Millport, began delivering outreach work at the Barony school campus in East Ayrshire.
Case Studies & Good Practice
Cumbernauld CLD & Venture Scotland Case Study
The partnership offered a range of outdoor learning experiences throughout the North Lanarkshire area.
Case Studies & Good Practice
Village Storytelling Centre Case Study
37 young people explored their own creative expression as a tool for maintaining individual and collective wellbeing.
Publications & Research
Youth Work Education Recovery Fund Report
YWERF was established to enable the sector to engage young people in some of the country’s most vulnerable communities.
Training/Toolkits/Session Plans
Lost in Translation Slides
PowerPoint slides to support Lost in Translation Workshop.
Publications & Research
Scotland’s Young People’s Forest: National Consultation Report November 2021
This consultation aimed at understanding how other young people in Scotland felt about the Scotland’s Young People’s Forest project and to gather their opinions on some of the major decisions the project needs to make.
Publications & Research
Scotland’s Young People’s Forest: Phase One Progress Report
Young Scot and YouthLink Scotland are delighted to deliver this progress report on Scotland’s Young People’s Forest programme which covers the activity delivered in the Forest Conception Phase (February 2021 – April 2022).
Publications & Research
Outdoor Education Recovery Fund Report
An overview of the impact of the Outdoor Education Recovery Fund in 2021
Case Studies & Good Practice
Barrhead High School
Case study of youth work and school partnership working at Barrhead High School