Fare Scotland has been working with a group of young people aged 12-16 from St Mungo’s Academy, Glasgow, to develop a resource to support young people with their mental health.
The group has focused on the topic of loss and bereavement as St Mungo’s had recently experienced a number of deaths within the school. The group saw this project as a great way to connect with each other and other pupils, offering support where it was required.
During Covid-19, the group felt this issue more important than ever – with loss being a feeling experienced by most, wither that be loss of routine, friendships or even a bereavement. Having taken part in a Healthy Minds training session, the group then delivered this back to teachers and are now developing a CLPL for teachers, where they have the opportunity to learn about mental health and best ways to support young people in their classes.
Pure Mental Health is a resource which focuses on coping strategies and how we keep our mental health positive during challenging circumstances. The group has been asking people what their struggles have been and how they have been able to cope, recording their discussions and turning them into a podcast series. The series provides information on loss, grief and bereavement and is accompanied by a set of coping strategy cards.
The group hopes that these podcasts will allow people to hear real lived experiences and feel that they are not alone. The group also plans to follow up the podcast with a ‘Happy Songs’ playlist on Spotify, to be shared with pupils who are experiencing mental health issues. Coping cards have also been printed and will be given to pupils to help them think of new ways to support positive mental health.