
We represent your interests by influencing policy development on issues affecting the youth work sector and young people. By responding to legislation, initiating and submitting responses to key consultations on a wide range of issues – we are always working to champion the role and value of youth work.

We envision a nation where young people are valued and empowered to lead happy, fulfilling lives and contribute to society. At YouthLink Scotland, we champion the vital role of youth work in achieving national outcomes, advocating for policies that reflect this priority.

We will continue to be rights-respecting and rights-promoting, ensuring young people are at the heart of decision-making. By collaborating with youth workers and young people, we strive to create a more progressive society that recognises their invaluable contribution and drives positive social change.

Our members’ expertise and dedication are essential to our mission. With their help, we can provide effective policy consultations, advocate for investment in the sector, and demonstrate the incredible impact of youth workers.

Together, we can build a brighter future for young people in Scotland.

Chat to Kevin

Interested to know more about policy development and the issues affecting the youth work sector and young people, talk to our Policy and Research Manager, Kevin Kane.