Passion. Talent. Experience.

Meet our team of YouthLink Scotland experts, and the areas of work they each specialise in.

Tim Frew CEO
Tim Frew
Chief Executive
Tim is YouthLink Scotland's Chief Executive, he manages the workforce development team, communications, events, policy and research. 0131 202 8050
Gillian Lithgow
Depute CEO and National Programmes Director
Gillian manages the National Programmes team and supports the Local Authority Youth Work Managers network, National Voluntary Youthwork Organisations Scotland network and the Scottish Youth Work Leaders Forum. 0131 202 8050 ext 202
Lorena Little
Business Director
Lorena manages the Finance and Administration teams. She facilitates all Business support for the organisation. 0131 202 8050 ext 203
Susan Dow
PA to Chief Executive and Senior Management Team
Susan is responsible for providing support to our CEO, Senior Management Team and Board of Directors. She also looks after membership enquiries and applications and assists the Business Director with office management. 0131 202 8050 ext 210
Lorna Saunders
Finance Assistant
Lorna assists our Business Manager Lorena with finance and HR activities. 0131 202 8050 ext 211
Amy Calder
Senior Policy & Research Officer
Amy leads on using participatory research methods to demonstrate the impact of youth work on young people’s lives and supports the sector and young people to develop research skills. 0131 202 8050
Sarah Paterson
Communications and Public Affairs Manager
Sarah leads on the management and strategic direction of YouthLink Scotland’s communications and influencing strategy to support the sector.  Working on media, campaigns, events and building relationships across the political spectrum to ensure the profile of youth work is high on the political and public agenda. 0131 202 8050
Susan Symington
Information and Events Officer
Susan is responsible for our fortnightly Youth Work Briefing, website content and enquiry answering, as well as organising national events including the National Youth Work Awards and the National Youth Work Conference. 0131 202 8050 ext 231
Liz Green
Workforce and Practice Manager
Liz leads our workforce and practice development and international collaborations. She manages the team, supporting the sector with key areas of youth work practice such as digital, sustainability and youth social action. 0131 202 8050 ext 250
Hilary Phillips
Senior Development Officer (Digital Youth Work)
Hilary leads on digital youth work, enabling the youth work sector in Scotland  to grow this important and fast-paced area of practice. She runs the digital youth network jointly with Young Scot. 0131 202 8050
Stuart Winton
Development Officer (Youth Participation)
Stuart works on a number of national programmes to help promote youth participation across Scotland, including the PDC, YouthBank Scotland, the PB and Grant Making course and IWill. 0131 202 8050
Marielle Curran
Youth Work and Schools Manager
Marielle is responsible for facilitating the development of strengthened partnerships between youth work and schools to close the poverty-related attainment gap. 0131 202 8050
Gill Gracie
Youth Work and Schools Senior Development Officer
Gill supports the development of collaborative practice and is responsible for generating evidence of youth work’s impact on the Scottish Attainment Challenge. 0131 202 8050 ext 271
Profile photo of Cynthia Gentle
Cynthia Gentle
Network Support Officer (United Voices)
Cynthia provides the secretariat and support for the United Voices network, for youth workers who support young people facing racism and antisemitism. She works with the members on an individual and group basis, encouraging peer support and shared learning opportunities. Get in touch if you are interested in joining the network. 0131 202 8050 ext 230
Orielle Taylor
NKBL Senior Development Officer
Orielle manages the overall social and digital marketing strategy for No Knives Better Lives. She is responsible for developing the NKBL Network and partnership and membership information. 0131 202 8050
Vicki Ridley
Vicki Ridley
NKBL Senior Development Officer
Vicki develops and supports the work of the youth violence prevention initiative, No Knives Better Lives, based at YouthLink Scotland. 0131 202 8050 ext 291
Emily Beever
Senior Development Officer
Emily manages the youth participation element of the NKBL programme. She also leads on integrating a rights-based restorative approach to the programme. Emily also supports Action on Prejudice with training design and delivery. 0131 202 8050 ext 290
Nadine Daly
NKBL Development Officer
Nadine is responsible for the development and delivery of NKBL's peer education capacity building training for practitioners. She also develops the peer educator's resources to ensure the programme is sustainable and replicable. 0131 202 8050 ext 251
Sarah Robinson Galloway
Senior Development Officer (Equality, Diversity and Inclusion)
Sarah works on the Action on Prejudice and Action on Sectarianism programmes and works within the Equality, Diversity & Inclusion remit at YouthLink Scotland, supporting the EDI Community of Practice. 0131 202 8050 ext 280
Jane Dailly
National Grants Manager
Jane manages the youth work funds administered by YouthLink Scotland. 0131 202 8050

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