Our members make us who we are

They are the driving force behind everything we do, bringing a unique blend of passion, expertise and energy to supporting Scotland’s young people.

With over 100 members from national youth work organisations to local authority providers and community-based groups, our membership represents the diversity and strength of the youth work sector. 

We’re proud to stand beside them as they work in partnership with young people to create a brighter, happier, fairer Scotland. 

Join us and become part of a movement dedicated to creating a brighter future for Scotland’s young people. 

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Public Body Member Benefits
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Friends of YouthLink Scotland Member Benefits
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Our Membership Directory


Membership type
The Yard logo
The Yard Scotland
The Yard is a Scottish charity supporting disabled children and young people aged 0-25 through adventure play. Since 1986, we have been offering creative and inclusive play experiences in a well-supported environment, alongside wraparound support for the whole family.
0131 476 4506 Website
The Young Women's Movement logo
The Young Women's Movement
We are the Young Women’s Movement. Scotland’s national organisation for young women’s feminist leadership and collective action against gender-inequality. We are for all self-identifying young women and girls and work to end gender-inequality through our programmes; training; campaigns and participatory research. Our mission is to build a movement, centered on safe spaces and wellbeing, for young women and girls to come together and access resources, networks and platforms to collectively challenge inequality, lead radical social change and re-imagine our world.
ThirtyoneEight logo
Independent and thought-leading, we equip organisations, churches, other faith groups, individuals and government with the safeguarding tools they need to protect vulnerable people.
Together Scotland logo
Together (Scottish Alliance for Children’s Rights)
Together is an alliance of Scottish children's charities that works to improve the awareness, understanding and implementation of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC).
01315101565 Website
Toryglen Community Youth Project
The Toryglen Community Youth Project SCIO is a charitable organisation dedicated to empowering young people in the Toryglen area of Glasgow. Through sports, education, and community engagement, the project provides a safe, supportive environment for local youth to develop life skills, build confidence, and foster positive relationships. By offering a range of activities and programmes, the organisation strives to inspire and nurture future leaders from diverse backgrounds.
07806 827971
Touch of Love logo
Touch of Love
We aim to promote the Culture of Charity as a true of living out authentic and meaningful lives together in families and communities in order to make the world a better place.
Tullochan logo
Tullochan annually supports over 1000 young people aged 7-24 across West Dunbartonshire through a range of development programmes in Primary and Secondary schools alongside our post-school project Tullochan Futures and 2 Social Enterprises. Many of the young people we engage with are facing barriers which impact the ability to sustain their education and potential.
Venture Scotland logo
Venture Scotland
Venture Scotland believe we can empower young adults, who are facing challenges, to understand and improve their mental health and emotions and in doing so, change the course of their lives. We do this by delivering four progressive outdoor-based personal development programmes, known as the Journey. Using Scotland’s natural environments, both remote and within our local communities, we deliver regular group-based outdoor activities, life skills sessions, and bothy or camping residentials, backed up by 1-2-1 support sessions.
07956 158 281 Website
Venture Trust logo
Venture Trust
Venture Trust supports young people and adults facing some of life’s toughest challenges to make positive life changes - through community and outdoor personal development programmes and our Outdoor Therapy service. Venture Trust supports ex-service personnel struggling with the transition to civilian life, people struggling with poor mental health, involvement in Scotland’s criminal justice system, substance misuse issues, long term unemployment, and supports disadvantaged young people into training and employment. We work with people to help them gain the life skills, stability and confidence needed to reach their potential. Through person-centred support in communities and experiential learning in Scotland’s wilder places we challenge individuals to reflect on beliefs, attitudes and behaviours so they can unlock skills and learn new, more positive ways of approaching situations.
0131 228 7700 Website
West Dunbartonshire Council logo
West Dunbartonshire Council
Working 4 U Youth Learning are West Dunbartonshire Council's Youth Work service, who work with young people aged 10 - 25 years old delivering community based youth work, digital youth work, youth empowerment, school based youth work, financial awareness and a range of other informal learning opportunities and support.
01389 738775 Website
West Lothian Youth Services logo
West Lothian Council
The purpose of youth work in West Lothian is to support young people aged 10- 25 years to help develop their potential both as individuals and as members of the community by: • Building self-esteem and self-confidence to create confident individuals. • Developing the ability to manage personal and social relationships. • Creating learning, developing new skills and becoming successful learners. • Supporting young people in transition. • Building the capacity of young people to consider risk, make reasoned decisions and become effective contributors. • Developing a world view which widens horizons and supports responsible citizenship.
01506 280000 Website
Who Cares Scotland logo
Who Cares? Scotland
Who Cares? Scotland is Scotland's only national independent membership organisation for Care Experienced people. Our strategic vision is to secure a lifetime of equality, respect and love for Care Experienced people in Scotland. At the heart of our work are the rights of Care Experienced people and the power their voices have to bring about change.
01786 447637 Website