Our members make us who we are

They are the driving force behind everything we do, bringing a unique blend of passion, expertise and energy to supporting Scotland’s young people.

With over 100 members from national youth work organisations to local authority providers and community-based groups, our membership represents the diversity and strength of the youth work sector. 

We’re proud to stand beside them as they work in partnership with young people to create a brighter, happier, fairer Scotland. 

Join us and become part of a movement dedicated to creating a brighter future for Scotland’s young people. 

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Our Membership Directory


Membership type
LGBT Youth Scotland logo
LGBT Youth Scotland
LGBT Youth Scotland is the national charity for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Intersex (LGBTI) young people. LGBTI young people face unique and additional barriers to realising their potential and that is why LGBT Youth Scotland exists. We believe Scotland can be a place where all young people can thrive and flourish, and we work alongside young people to remove those barriers; supporting young people individually, and amplifying their collective voices to influence change.
0131 555 3940 Website
LiveArgyll logo
LiveArgyll is responsible for the ongoing operations and management of Argyll and Bute Council’s Leisure and Library and Community Learning services. In delivering these services, LiveArgyll shares Argyll and Bute Council’s commitment to enhancing health, fitness, culture and personal wellbeing of, and for, the residents of Argyll and Bute.
01369 708664 Website
Lowland Reserves Forces' and Cadets' Association logo
Lowland Reserve Forces' and Cadets' Association
Lowland RFCA promotes the Armed Forces Reserves and Cadet Organisations in the Lowlands of Scotland. We maintain the Reserve and Cadet estate and provide recruitment support to individual units and engage with local communities to increase their understanding of Reserves and Cadets and advocate the opportunities and benefits of volunteer service to individuals and employers.
Midlothian Council logo
Midlothian Council
Communities Lifelong Learning and Employability (CLLE) works with all age groups and offers a wide range of learning, training and employability options, many free of charge. They provide one to one, drop-in and group work support through a wide variety of courses and funded employability programmes. This includes both universal and targeted programmes.
Moore House Group logo
Moore House Group
Moore House Group provides a range of high quality, responsive services supporting children and young people to aspire and achieve the best possible outcomes. Individualised plans are delivered by teams of highly skilled, qualified and experienced care, education, social work and psychological services staff within nurturing, therapeutic environments.
01506 401 700 Website
Moray Council logo
Moray Council
Moray Youth Work Team is part of Moray Council Communities (CLD) Team. The team comprises of 2 CLD Workers, 9 youth workers, 2 DofE & Outdoor Learning Officers and a DofE Co-ordinator working across our 8 secondary schools and the wider community. Across schools Transition, Health and Wellbeing and Pathways group work incorporate accreditation and awards programmes. Youth Voice and Community based activities are delivered in partnership with 3rd sector agencies across Moray.
01343829923 Website
North Ayrshire logo
North Ayrshire Council
North Ayrshire’s Youth Work is an educational practice contributing to young people’s learning and development. Engaging with young people within their communities; it acknowledges the wider networks of peers, community and culture; it supports the young person to realise their potential and to address life’s challenges critically and creatively and it takes account of all strands of diversity.
01294 310000 Website
North Lanarkshire Council logo
North Lanarkshire Council
North Lanarkshire CLD youth work is delivered across all North Lanarkshire localities, in a range of contexts and settings including schools, community centres and outdoor learning. The Youth Work team is led by the CLD Youth Work Manager and the team consists of CLD Development Officers, CLD Youth Workers including Home Schools Partnership Officers, Support Workers and Assistant Support Workers.
01698 403838 Website
Ocean Youth Trust logo
Ocean Youth Trust Scotland
Ocean Youth Trust Scotland is a leading youth work charity and floating outdoor education centre. Through our adventurous residential sailing voyages and the help of hundreds of volunteers, we provide youth work on the waves and support young people aged 12-25 to realise their true potential. Our voyages provide a uniquely powerful and effective environment for the personal development of young people from all backgrounds.
01475 722722 Website
Orkney Islands Council CLD logo
Orkney Islands Council
Orkney Islands Councils Youth Services Team is part of the Community Learning, Development & Employability Service. We work with young people aged 8 -25, providing a range of universal and targeted youth work opportunities across Orkney. Our work with young people supports wider achievement and recognises development of skills for learning, life and work. We build meaningful relationships with young people to involve them in the decision-making process. We support young people to build their confidence, self-esteem and resilience.
01856 873535 ext 2425 Website
The Outward Bound Trust logo
The Outward Bound Trust
The Outward Bound Trust is an educational charity. Our wild adventures inspire young people to believe they can achieve more than they ever thought possible. We partner with schools, youth organisations, colleges and employers. We empower young people to realise their potential and thrive in their communities and society. Our funding helps break down barriers and unlock opportunities for those who need it most. .Over 80% of attendees receive funding to come on courses.
0141 413 0244 Website
People Know How logo
People Know How
People Know How is a a Scottish social innovation charity with a passion for solving social issues. Based in Edinburgh and the Lothians, we work with people and communities to develop innovative strategies and services to address social issues both locally and nationally. Our aim is to support and empower both individuals and organisations to mobilise their assets and realise their true potential. Often, people do not realise that they know how. That’s where we come in, unlocking ideas for a brighter future.
0131 569 0525 Website