Meet our Board of Directors

The Board of Directors is responsible for the overall management of YouthLink Scotland.

Office Bearers and Co-optees are selected for their knowledge, experience and understanding of the youth work sector.  Board Members are nominated and elected by Full Members of YouthLink Scotland to represent Voluntary Organisations and Local Authorities.  The Scottish Youth Parliament is represented following their own internal elections.

To contact any of our board members, please get in touch with Susan Dow at YouthLink Scotland by emailing or phoning 0131 202 8050 ext 210.

Angela Leitch
Angela Leitch CBE
Independent Chairperson
Sophie Reid thumbnail
Sophie Reid
Independent Vice Chairperson
Bill Stevenson
Bill Stevenson
Independent Honorary Treasurer
David Brackenridge
Voluntary Organisations Representative
Chief Executive, Venture Scotland
Graeme Luke
Voluntary Organisations Representative
Chief Executive, Scouts Scotland
Kirsten Urquhart in a black and white dogtooth jacket, posing for a profile photo.
Kirsten Urquhart BEM
Voluntary Organisations Representative
Chief Executive, Young Scot
Beverley Akinlami
Local Authorities Representative
Community Learning and Development Youth Services Manager, West Lothian Council
Mark Molloy poses for a profile photo weather a grey polo shirt.
Mark Molloy
Local Authorities Representative
Service Manager - Young People, Dumfries & Galloway Council
Fiona Taylor
Local Authorities Representative
Lead Officer (Youth Services), Renfrewshire Council
Scottish Youth Parliament Vacancy
SYP Representative
Alyssa Faulkner
Co-optee Vacancy
Co-optee Vacancy
Co-optee Vacancy