Under the policy, local authorities will be encouraged to support planning applications for the development of play spaces, parks and sports facilities.
Children and young people will have more opportunities to play outside under new planning reforms.
Under the policy, local authorities will be encouraged to support planning applications for the development of play spaces, parks and sports facilities.
The changes will increase opportunities for outdoor activity and help implement a commitment to incorporate children and young people’s rights into Scots law and practice.
New regulations are also being introduced to require local authorities to assess the adequacy of play spaces and consult local children and communities. This will ensure councils are better informed when making future provision for play in their local development plans.
Incorporating children’s rights into law brings into effect part of the Planning (Scotland) Act 2019.
The new Fourth National Planning Framework includes a new policy on play, recreation and sport to help create more opportunities for children and young people through planned development and in greenspaces. It also supports development proposals that protect and improve access to play and recreation within local communities.