Play your part in tackling mental health stigma in Scotland

See Me, Scotland’s programme to end mental health stigma and discrimination, is calling on the people of Scotland to get behind the See Us movement and create real change for the thousands of people who struggle with their mental health.

See Me, Scotland’s programme to end mental health stigma and discrimination, is calling on the people of Scotland to get behind the See Us movement and create real change for the thousands of people who struggle with their mental health.

For too long tackling mental health stigma has been seen as the responsibility of those who have experienced it.

Over the last two years, the See Us movement has grown, with supporters located right across Scotland, in communities, workplaces, schools, colleges, healthcare settings and beyond – but the programme says that more needs to be done to help tackle the stigma which still exists.

Get tools and resources to help you take action, and sign up to show your support.