New polling of young people (16-25 year olds) and parents from UK Youth has raised serious concerns over the impact of the cost of living crisis on young people’s mental health, employment opportunities – and even access to regular meals.
New polling of young people (16-25 year olds) and parents from UK Youth has raised serious concerns over the impact of the cost of living crisis on young people’s mental health, employment opportunities – and even access to regular meals.
There is growing evidence of long-term effects, with more than half of young people (54%) surveyed saying their mental health has been negatively impacted by the cost of living crisis. Likewise, a shocking three quarters of young people (76%) are concerned the crisis will restrict their ability to get a secure job now and in the future – with just 4% of young people having no concerns at all.
The polling, conducted by research company Censuswide, also reveals a number of additional concerns for young people about loneliness, heating their homes and access to food.