Check out the new Children’s Charter which will be used to co-design a system of school-age childcare along with the School-Age Childcare Delivery Framework which sets out the Scottish Government’s ambition for a new system of school-age childcare.
Kindness, community, fun and fairness are the priorities children in Scotland have identified for a future funded school-age childcare offer, according to the new Children’s Charter.
As part of the Children’s Charter – which will be used to co-design a system of school-age childcare – young people also shared their views on why childcare is needed, how it is funded, the people who should run it and the sorts of activities it should include.
Around 125 children from primary schools across Scotland created five local Charters for the best out of school care for their community. The groups of children later went on to collaborate on a National Charter, which will guide a future nationwide system of school-age childcare.
The School-Age Childcare Delivery Framework sets out the Scottish Government’s ambition for a new system of school-age childcare and provides information about their key action areas and transformational approach to service design with children, parents and communities.
The Delivery Framework highlights that youth work is part of the range of provision needed to meet the needs of families living in poverty. Read YouthLink Scotland’s Policy Brief: Youth work and School-age Childcare.