A new fund has been launched to improve the digital capacity of community learning and development organisations across Scotland, with grants of up to £15,000 available for qualifying organisations.
The Community Learning and Development Device Fund is provided by the Scottish Government and managed by SCVO. The objective of the fund is to provide capital funding to CLD organisations across Scotland to purchase digital devices that can be used by learners to support their learning.
Organisations must be able to align work with up to 3 of the following CLD priorities:
- Embedding up-to-date cyber resilience and cyber security messaging within digital learning opportunities.
- Improving access to digital devices and connectivity for CLD in island and rural communities.
- Supporting workforce development and upskilling CLD practitioners to provide secure digital learning and development of digital skills.
- Removing barriers to CLD to support inclusivity, accessibility and improved outcomes for those affected by poverty and other inequalities.
- Supporting role of CLD in developing digital skills.
- Supporting employability and skills development required to access work.
- Supporting health and wellbeing, including health literacy and early intervention.
- Using CLD as an intervention to remove barriers to education and support learning, inclusivity and accessibility as well as educational outcomes.
- Using CLD to provide people with an opportunity to achieve and develop individual talents, abilities and skills for learning, life and work.