Do you know someone whose passion, dedication and talent needs recognition? Get your nominations in and get ready to join us for a night of celebration this summer.
The nominations for YouthLink Scotland’s National Youth Work Awards are now open!
The National Youth Work Awards celebrates youth work and the youth workers who make a difference every year in the lives of young people. They are aimed at individual youth workers, managers, projects or groups for work that is delivered in youth work settings or in other settings, using a youth work approach. The awards are a mixture of universal, targeted and specialist youth work provision.
This year’s categories:
The Lifetime Achievement Award (Fellowship of YouthLink Scotland) is in the gift of the Board of YouthLink Scotland. Nominations may be submitted in the normal way or via the YouthLink Scotland Board.
Categories and Guidance Notes for Nominators
Nominations close Tuesday 7th February 2023 at 5pm.
We will be in touch with successful nominators from the week beginning 20th February 2023.