A Collaborative Approach to Tracking Achievement with a Focus on Skills in Alva Academy

Education Scotland has published findings from a successful youth work and school partnership approach to tracking achievement, underpinned by the National Youth Work Outcomes and Skills Framework.

The report shares learning from the pilot, including the views of youth workers and teachers on what worked and why. Young people were particularly positive about the value of the experience, and their perspectives and recommendations are also highlighted.

The pilot took place in Alva, Clackmannanshire in 2023-24 and was facilitated by YouthLink Scotland’s SAC National Programme team and Education Scotland CLD Officers.  To support the development of similar work in other learning communities, YouthLink Scotland has created a toolkit with information and guidance, informed by the pilot. If you would like to discuss how YouthLink Scotland can support a similar collaborative approach in your locality, please contact Marielle Bruce or Gill Gracie.