Creating inclusive communities: The impact of youth work on equalities and diversity

Learn how youth work initiatives bring people from diverse backgrounds together, allowing every young person to thrive by promoting values of compassion, inclusivity and shared understanding.

Youth work plays a pivotal role in fostering equality and inclusivity, providing safe and supportive environments where all young people can flourish. Our programs are dedicated to addressing the unique challenges faced by marginalized groups, including LGBTQ+ youth, young people from black and minority ethnic backgroundgrounds, and those living with disabilities.

At the heart of all high-quality youth work is a strong commitment to creating spaces where every young person feels valued and understood. Through tailored programs and activities, youth work promotes awareness, acceptance, and the celebration of diversity. One participant expressed, “LGBT Youth Group was for a very long time my only queer space and the only place I could be myself uncritically. This may have, unexaggeratedly, saved my life and I am eternally grateful.” Stories like this abound across the youth work sector. Without it, many young people would lack vital and often life-saving support.

Further, by providing education on social justice issues and facilitating open discussions, youth work equips young people with the knowledge and confidence they need to become champions of equality and diversity in their own communities.

Impact Stats & Stories

Life in Scotland for LGBT Young People

Read LGBT Youth Scotland’s for a comprehensive overview of how young Scottish people are experiencing life as an LGBTI person.

In Sight Report - Intercultural Youth Scotland

Download Intercultural Youth Scotland’s research report to explore how BAME young people in Scotland perceive and experience secondary school education?.

Key Publications