
Youth Work Grants & Funding

Looking for funding to support your youth work project? We can help.

This funding directory has hundreds of charity grants and youth work funds for practitioners, youth clubs, voluntary organisations, community projects and more.

You’ll find information on everything from small local grants for individual practitioners to national funding schemes for large-scale projects. You’ll also find information and guidance on our national funding partnerships here, including the National Voluntary Youth Organisation Support Fund.

We also run a number of National Grants Programmes, designed with and for the youth work sector in Scotland, distributing over £1m each year to youth work organisations across the country. You can contact us if you have any questions about our funding programmes.


Funding Source
Type of Cost
Funding Status
Youth Music NextGen Fund
This fund offers young creatives grants of up to £2,500 to make their ideas happen. Deadline for applications Deadline: 15 November 2024 Notification: February 2025
  • Status:  Open, Recurring
  • Closing date:  15 November, 2024
Bells Nautical Trust
The Trust funds maritime education in Leith or elsewhere in Scotland, especially recognised training, like Sea Cadets, Sea Scouts, Sail Training Associations and yacht and boat clubs. Grants will not be given to bodies whose finances are generally met from public monies, except in exceptional circumstances.
  • Status:  Open, Recurring
  • Closing date:  30 November, 2024
FCC Scottish Action Fund
The FCC Communities Foundation provides funding for community, heritage, and environmental projects in areas around eligible waste management sites in Scotland. Deadline: 4 December 2024.
  • Status:  Open, Recurring
  • Closing date:  4 December, 2024
Theatres Trust Small Grants Programme
This scheme provides grants of up to £5,000 for essential works to enable not-for-profit theatres across the UK to be viable and thrive in the future. Deadline: 12 noon on 7 June 2024 and 12 noon on Friday 17 January 2025
  • Status:  Open
  • Closing date:  17 January, 2025
Funding is available for organisations and individuals resident in Scotland who are dedicated to strengthening youth music in Scotland. Next Deadline to apply is 31 Mar 2025
  • Status:  Open, Recurring
  • Closing date:  31 March, 2025
Access Without Limits Community Funding
Grant funding of up to £10,250 is available for eligible community and voluntary organisations to set up and deliver the DofE, as well as the enrolment costs for young people taking part. Closes 1st January 2026.
  • Status:  Open
  • Closing date:  1 January, 2026