
Youth Work Grants & Funding

Looking for funding to support your youth work project? We can help.

This funding directory lists over a hundred charity grants and youth work funds for practitioners, youth clubs, voluntary organisations, community projects and more.

You’ll find information on everything from small local grants for individual practitioners to national funding schemes for large-scale projects. You’ll also find information and guidance on our national funding partnerships here, including the National Voluntary Youth Organisation Support Fund.

We also run a number of National Grants Programmes, designed with and for the youth work sector in Scotland, distributing over £1m each year to youth work organisations across the country. You can contact us if you have any questions about our funding programmes.


Funding Source
Type of Cost
Funding Status
Agnes Hunter Trust
Agnes Hunter Trust
Following a policy review in 2023, the Trustees have decided to focus on one key area of funding: offering grants to charities that support disabled people in Scotland.
  • Status:  Recurring
Andy Fanshawe Memorial Trust
This Trust gives grants to economically disadvantaged young people to develop progress in an existing interest
  • Status:  Open
Dewar Arts Awards
The Dewar Arts Awards are proud to support the brightest and best of Scotland’s young artistic talent. They fund exceptional young artists in any discipline who do not have the financial means to achieve their full potential.
  • Status:  Open
Pounds for Purpose
£500 awards for project costs available to young people in Scotland aged 16 to 26 who have an idea to make a positive difference to their community or the environment.
  • Status:  Open
The Robertson Trust
Revenue and capital funding for registered charities and constituted community groups that help people and communities in Scotland who are living with poverty and trauma.
  • Status:  Open, Recurring
Rozelle Trust
This Trust will generally support smaller charities, especially those working at grassroots and local community level where the funds will be able to make a significant difference and therefore large national charities are unlikely to be considered.
  • Status:  Open
Funding Scotland
Find funding for your charity, community group or social enterprise using the free online search engine. From small grants to funding for big capital projects, Funding Scotland can help you track down the funding you need to make a difference in your community.
  • Status:  Open
BBC Children in Need Core Costs
Supports the essential organisational and administrative spending of charities and not-for-profit organisations that work with children and young people. No deadliness for applications.
  • Status:  Open
Social Investment Fund
This Fund offers blended grant and loan investment to social enterprises, community organisations and charities working across Scotland. No deadlines for applications.
  • Status:  Open
Wooden Spoon
Wooden Spoon is the children’s charity of rugby. They're a grant-making charity and fund life-changing projects across the UK & Ireland.  No deadlines for applications. No deadlines for applications.
  • Status:  Open
BBC Children in Need Emergency Essentials Programme
This programme supports children and young people who are facing exceptionally difficult circumstances by providing items that meet a child’s most basic needs such as a bed to sleep in, a cooker to provide a hot meal and other items or services critical to a child’s wellbeing.
  • Status:  Open
The Woodward Charitable Trust
Children and young people who are isolated, at risk of exclusion or involved in antisocial behaviour are among the areas supported by this fund.
  • Status:  Recurring