YouthVIP - Youth Volunteering Champion Schools Resource Launch

Join us to explore the benefits of embedding youth volunteering within your setting and find out about this enabling resource.

The YouthVIP team invite you to the launch of the Youth Volunteering Champion Schools Resource.

This resource, created in collaboration with young people, aims to act as a bridge to connect ideas, practices and approaches that currently exist around youth volunteering in schools. After successful pilots, this resource is ready to be rolled out to schools and other settings across Scotland.

Volunteering being embedded and supported in a school setting can have many benefits for young people such as creating opportunities for work experience, improving skill development and positive destination options and reducing the attainment gap through providing opportunities for young people to engage and achieve.

During this launch event we will share content from the resource, hear feedback from the pilot and hear from young people directly about the benefits of embedding volunteering opportunities in a school setting.