Youth Work Changes Lives: Michaela's story

Earlier this month, Royston Youth Action held their annual award ceremony that celebrates young people.

Royston Youth Action held their annual award ceremony that celebrates young people

Earlier this month, Royston Youth Action held their annual award ceremony that celebrates young people. Michaela, a young person who has been attending the group, got up and did a speech on the night about her journey so far and the difference Royston Youth Action has made to her life. A great example of how #YouthWorkChangesLives.

My name is Michaela and I have been coming to the Youthy since I was a wee girl.

Over the past couple of years, I started to get more involved in the project and I started volunteering at all of the children’s clubs. This really helped build my confidence and I have met so many new friends from helping out.

Over the last couple of years I have been lucky enough to go to New York, Italy twice (once with girls group and once with snow camp), and also Finland. I have also been on lots of other residentials and trips in Scotland. The Youthy has taken me on so many life-changing experiences and I am so thankful for all that they have helped me with.

I had a lot of personal issues going on in my life from Primary school onwards and I feel like getting the opportunity to be a part of the Youthy family really has changed my life for the better. The staff have helped me grow so much and become such a happier person. I have also taken part in so many training courses which will help me get a job or get into college. I have did first aid training child protection training, Duke of Edinburgh Award, Dynamic Youth Award, snow camp instructor training and young volunteer training.

Last year one of my youth workers nominated me for an award through Scotland’s only glossy magazine, called number 1 magazine, and I won!! I won the Amazing Young Woman Award and I was so proud and happy. Me, Toni and Hayley and Sharon and Alice all got to go to a fancy awards ceremony and I did a photo shoot for the magazine.

For the last year I have been taking part in the Youthy 12 months 12 acts of kindness project and along with the other young folks we have helped hundreds of people from other charities and have raised hundreds of pounds for those who need it.

I really love ya and I love my youth family. I could have ended up choosing a very different path in life after everything that has happened to me in my life but thankfully I didn’t and thankfully I got support and help from the staff and volunteers which has made me now want to be a youth worker so I can help other young people.